“…La mole bianca della città torreggia come un sogno, moltiplicato miraggio di enormi palazzi regali e barbari…” 2018 Cristina Cherchi, con una raffinatissima opera site specific ci presenta un miraggio, una visione di città. L’opera è ispirata al verso di Campana che le dà il titolo, cioè“…La mole …
Di notte anche il paesaggio riposa 2019 The man perceives the nature as tangible entity of his history. However to be in conctat with it. Cristina Cherchi runs back to the invention Installations, Myself, Nature, Painting, Photographs, Projects, Sculptures
Cage dress THERE IS A ROAD IN THE WOOD… In Pieve of Teco there is a path that leaves where the country finishes and comes loose along the torrent Arrogna, next to … Installations, Myself, Nature, Projects, Site Specific
To Zig Zag TO ZIG ZAG The man perceives the nature as tangible entity of his history. However to be in conctat with it. Cristina Cherchi runs back to the invention, to the … Nature, Projects, Site Specific
The Eternal, Circular Walk THE ETERNAL, CIRCULAR WALK Modern Alice is contemporaneous to idleness of love. The children’s condition takes space and time to extend itself in a proper world built by magic games. … Nature, Projects, Site Specific
Eraser project ERASER PROJECT In this work Cristina Cherchi takes point from collection-erasers, hobby of many little girls. She considers the female role in relation with male role and all the fictitious … Photographs, Projects
Fragments FRAGMENTS The art of Cristina Cherchi, extremely modern, in repetition intentional, has numerous reading keys, equally valid. The artist is, in a certain sense, the mirror of the society in … Painting, Projects
Pinocchio I-Taglia Eye PINOCCHIO I-TAGLIA EYE Pino (artist, player, actor), the trunk of fir-tree into wood becomes a white Pinocchio (white is the symbol of pureness and honesty). His nose assumes the appearances … Installations, Projects, Social
Green Into Green? “GREEN INTO GREEN”? “Cristina Cherchi tooks in the enclosure of the valley the artificial nature of modern technology in replacement of the real one. But her sign wants to be … Nature, Projects, Site Specific
To Observe Doesn’t Means To Feel TO OBSERVE DOESN’T MEANS TO FEEL This is an installation that involves art and nature. In this work, in collaboration with experts, there are electronics apparatus that point out the … Nature, Projects, Site Specific
Madness in the plate MADNESS IN THE PLATE The installation is a big plate made in resin-glass; it is a big container of an oily green liquid, where float false flies. The flies move … Installations, Nature, Projects
Crazy farm CRAZY FARM Deformed and colorful toys that lose their original appearance, everything seems unreal, what are we eating? Nature is against nature, nature that rebels, the human without humanity, the … Installations, Nature, Projects
Dance Reaction DANCE REACTION Large and floating cups are on a synthetic, green grass. The plate is animated by winds that moves bright materials that skim the land and produce sweet ringing. … Installations, Nature, Projects
Metal Sunflowers METAL SUNFLOWERS Metal Sunflowers arise from the antithesis who is in nature between apparent mobility of things and the continuous to become. Metal object, in a playful movement, perspective increasing, … Installations, Nature, Projects
Let’s Go To Drift LET’S GO TO DRIFT Three boys were photographed by Cristina Cherchi while diving in the waters of lake of Iseo (Vello di Marone, Italy). The photographic installation strongs the game … Nature, Photographs, Projects
To the sky TO THE SKY To the sky, to a hypothetical world embark on a journey to infinity, think of traveling to lands lovely, I’ll bring with me a suitcase where not … Installations, Myself, Projects
Object of fear OBJECT OF FEAR Is the image of myself that I Keep hidden, many times I act wearing a mask, only to appear more pleasing, pretend, why pretend, perhaps to appear … Installations, Myself, Projects
Me and documents ME AND DOCUMENTS “ Documents relating to communication between humans and have a definite meaning from the original context, are evidences that support neutral information, which should be recognized as … Myself, Photographs, Projects
Play with tact PLAY WITH TACT Refined work echoes the renaissance in a place of cupid riding a dolphin of Raphael memory. We have a doll on a rocking horse. The work combines … Myself, Projects, Sculptures
Caress me at that moment CARESS ME AT THAT MOMENT Caress me at that moment, to love again. Ten pairs of shoes are lined with handmade paper with rose petals. A look, a figure seen … Installations, Myself, Projects
Dual relationship observed DUAL RELATIONSHIP OBSERVED Human machine / power status symbol / puppet dummy sits above – value subjective/objective of women. A bench toy without an observer is positioned in front of … Myself, Projects, Sculptures
Dreaming DO NOT TRAMPLE THE CALM PEDESTRIAN Four photographs and an installation featured in the exhibition. They are not few if we talk about Cristina Cherchi. They are more than enough … Photographs, Projects
Woman and Jack WOMAN AND JACK As Alice’s fairy-tale game of chairs, playcards that talk to each other bring into adult world and exterior world that children reproduce during their games. Moments of … Installations, Myself, Projects